Set Yourself Up For Success
We want to provide students with the tools they need to get educated, get trained and get to work.
Internships, apprenticeships and summer jobs/summer youth programs can help prepare you for entering the workforce while providing you with relevant job experience to add to your resume.
Internships & Apprenticeships
We can help you find internships and apprenticeships to provide you with industry experience to help you to start your career within the industry of your choice. Fill out our youth application to get started!
Youth Services
PA Careerlink® Lehigh Valley can help you get trained and learn important job skills and build your resume. You can also learn about the Youth Committee and the SkillsUSA Council that can help you learn leadership skills.
Summer Jobs & Summer Youth Programs
Summer jobs give you the opportunity to get experience and get paid while you enjoy your summer break. Learn more and apply today!