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1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Your resume could make or break your chances of taking that next step in your career or landing your dream job.  Many job seekers struggle with how to write a resume and sell themselves to potential employers. 

Andrea Grannum-Mosley, EdD is the Director of Training and Development for Lehigh Carbon Community College, and she has kindly offered to facilitate a live webinar where she will take the topic of resume writing deeper than our very own, “Dos and Don’ts of Resumes” webinar. 

Throughout the webinar, Andrea will expand on the different types of resumes, the best and worst items to have on your resume, action verbs, and more! 

When you register, be sure to send in the most current copy of your resume that you would like help revising. One on one resume advisement from Andrea and the Instructor Staff from CareerLink will also be available for help on your personal resume.

The webinar will start promptly at 1:00 P.M.; however, there will be a 15 minute grace period until 1:15 P.M. for late arrivals.

Click here to access the Zoom registration link.

Please send a copy of your resume to once you register!