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9:00 am - 2:30 pm

Looking to refine your resume? Join us for Resume Wednesday, where PA CareerLink® Lehigh Valley staff will offer one-on-one guidance to develop a basic resume, providing you with a strong foundation for job searching. This starting point will allow you to easily customize and tailor your resume for specific job applications at home.

Important Registration Information:
To sign up for a Resume Wednesday appointment, you must first attend a Resume Writing 101 in-person group session. These sessions are held every Tuesday from 11 AM – 12 PM. You do not need to register in advance for Resume Writing 101—just show up! During this session, you’ll learn the fundamentals of crafting a strong resume. At the end of the workshop, we will offer resume critiques and/or schedule you for a Resume Wednesday appointment to further refine your resume.

LOCATION: PA CareerLink® Lehigh Valley | 555 Union Boulevard Allentown PA, 18109