PA CareerLink® Lehigh Valley Youth Programs
PA CareerLink® Lehigh Valley currently offers two youth programs, one for out-of-school youth (ages 17-24) and the other for high school upper classman. Eligibility criteria applies. Read below to learn more and fill out the interest form to see if you are eligible!

Youth Participation Benefits
When you join our program, we assess your skills and abilities to determine your strengths and areas for improvement. We then provide personalized training to help you develop the skills you need to be work-ready and advance in your career. We then match you with work experience opportunities, such as internships or on-the-job training, to gain hands-on experience and build your skills in a real-world setting.

Once you participate in our program, you are guaranteed a minimum 12 months of ongoing support and guidance from our CareerLink Advisors. The program also offers structured work experience. These work experiences may be paid or unpaid, depending on your specific needs. The work-based placements can be in the private for-profit sector, non-profit sector, or public sector.

Through these work-based learning opportunities, you gain valuable exposure to the working world and its demands. You have the chance to develop the personal attributes, knowledge, and skills needed to secure a job and advance in your career. This helps you become more confident and prepared for the workforce.

Out-Of-School Youth Program
Our out-of-school youth program offers a range of services to help young adults between the ages of 17 and 24 who are not currently in school prepare for their future careers. We provide these young adults with the skills and resources they need to achieve long-term success.
A dedicated recruiter and career advisor will work with you to: Identify your strengths and qualifications, match you with job opportunities that align with your career aspirations, help you set and achieve short-term and long-term goals for employment and education, and connect you to community resources and services that can support your success.
The services include:
- Resume development
- Employability Skills
- Job Search
- Academic remediation for training
- Paid work experience ($15.00/hour)
- On-the-Job Training (OJT)
- Up to $20,000 of funding support for approved training programs
- 12 months of Follow-up

Youth Program (Year-Round)
PA CareerLink® Lehigh Valley’s In-School Youth program assist high school juniors and seniors for their future career.
Services for Qualified Youth:
- Resume Development
- Career exploration
- Mock interviewing
- Employability skills training and access to workshops
- Paid work experience ($15.00/hour)
- At least 12 months of follow-up support
Work, training, career connections, and more are available right now for young adults, 17-24 years of age!